Mother Moon

Nurturing the Mother Within

Mother Moon circles are specially designed to nurture, prepare and support any woman who is about to give birth or become a mother.

What are Moon Circles?

Moon Circles, like Red Tents, are circles of women that set time aside to come together, connect, hold one another, listen and provide support. Women of all ages, from all backgrounds and with different beliefs, join one another to celebrate the sacredness of their own unique journey in womanhood.

Mother Moon circles draw on the traditions and customs of Red Tents, the cyclical rhythm of Moon Circles and the mythology, intuition and wisdom of women throughout history, to create a beautiful and welcoming space within which we hold one another, listen and explore our thoughts, ideas and feelings surrounding birth.

Our Moon Circles will come together once a month and will cover topics such as ‘Oxytocin and Positive Expectations’, ‘Fear and Fear Release’, ‘Birth Support’, ‘Dealing with Past Trauma’, ‘Self Care”, ‘Birth Labyrinths and Meditations’ and ‘Postpartum Care: The Art of Babymooning’. Throughout each evening, we will discuss where we are and how we are feeling through art, writing, meditation and conversation, sharing stories, food, laughter and wisdom.

As we prepare for birth, every one of us deserves to feel cherished and nurtured. Every one of us deserves to feel emotionally supported and spiritually connected to our babies, whatever that means for us individually.

Mother Moon will help you connect with your baby, set your intentions for a positive birth and feel replenished and ready for the next part of your journey.