What happens?

Wherever you look in pregnancy, there are experts ready to tell you how to birth, how to feel, what to think and do. In ‘Birthing from Within’, Pam England writes, ‘My work with pregnant women has shown me that giving creative expression to secret hopes and dark fears is a vital part of childbirth preparation. Daring to express oneself … is a way a mother (or father) boldly says, ‘I made this, it’s about what I know, what I feel as a mother (or father). This is me’. This self expression, and the acknowledgement and validation given bythe group, infuses mothers with new confidence and strength.’


Mother Moon circles are sacred spaces held together by the circle of women who attend and the time and energy that is offered to each of us to share and explore our feelings, held safely by the arms of each other. During Mother Moon circles, everything is tailored towards nurturing you on your journey towards birth and parenthood and helping you to rediscover your own voice, your own inner wisdom.



Whether you are a first time mother, or this is your fifth birth, we will help you find the questions you need to ask yourselves to clear the way for the birth you want. By sharing our own birth stories (if you have birthed before) or talking about the stories we have been most influenced by, whilst listening to one another, we understand how the fears and anxieties that pregnancy unearths are so common to us all. We are not isolated on our journey. Motherhood is a rite of passage and connecting with other women allows us to feel bathed in understanding and compassion.


Each Mother Moon Circle will be 3 hours long, and will begin with Circle Time, where we introduce ourselves and talk about how we are feeling. You can share any worries or concerns that may be on your mind, and listen to what others are experiencing.

We will have a discussion around our chosen topic, always with the goal of exploring what we really feel about birth, how we can adjust our deep expectations to match our hopes and desires, how we can ground ourselves within our bodies and find calmness and relaxation when we need it most.


We will always include a beautiful guided meditation which grounds us within our body as well as some very special connecting activities to help us feel at ease deep within ourselves14677851_10154221194838052_591220388_o

We will have a special activity, usually a craft or something that allows us to create whilst talking, and this will tie in to our topic and will aid you in preparing for a positive birth experience.


Mother Moon Circles will help you let go of fears you are holding onto, and allow positive hopes to flow through the circle, elevated by each other and grounded by the space we share.


They will help you grow in confidence, trust your inner wisdom and feel connected to your baby as you move towards welcoming him or her earthside.


The evenings will be informal, nourishing, relaxed. It doesn’t matter how good you are at art or craft, whether you wish to share a lot or sit back and be quieter – we want you to feel a sense of connection, warmth and happiness when you leave the circle and to feel able to be at home within your body and your pregnancy when you are inside it. We share our experiences together as a way of bonding, of trusting one another and of letting go.




Throughout the evening there will be ample opportunity to drink warm drinks and share delicious nibbles. We want you to be comfortable, so please bring along your slippers, a blanket, anything that will make you feel at home.


Mother Moons offer a holistic, interactive approach to looking within and preparing emotionally for birth. They will help you along your journey in motherhood, but they will also be fun and relaxing, a chance to make new friends and to rediscover the mother within.